Submission Guidelines Back

The author must provide:

  • his / her name,
  • his / her job title,
  • his / her organization/institution of affiliation name,
  • a brief biographical description,
  • a photograph in JPEG format.

In case of more than one author, the corresponding authors' full details including email, fax, phone and address for communication need to be provided.

In addition:

  • The paper needs to contain a title, an abstract, keywords,mainbody with sections and subsections and references.
  • All references need to be cited.
  • APA format should be followed for reference, citation and for Tables, Font style: Arial in 10 pt size,
  • Figures and tables should follow the references. Make sure that every table or figure is referred in the text. The table or figure will be placed after the first mention in the text,
  • Illustrations if provided, should be clear and in JPEG format,
  • All articles should be error free to the maximum extent possible and any technical matter must be as clear as possible.


Submission Procedure

First time authors are requested to register themselves on the registration page. Once registered, authors can submit and know the status of their papers. Existing authors are requested to use their username and password to submit papers and know the current status of the paper.

Researchers and practitioners are expected to submit on or before the stipulated deadline. Authors of accepted proposals will be notified before the stipulated deadline about the status of their proposals. All submitted articles in full text are expected to be submitted before the stipulated deadline.