Evaluation of Rutting Characteristics on Warm Mix Asphalt with Inclusion of Fibers

G. Sharanya*, T. Naga Teja**, A. Ramesh***
* PG Student, Department of Civil Engineering, VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Telangana, India.
** Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Telangana, India.
*** Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Telangana, India.
Periodicity:October - December'2015
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jms.3.3.3671


Bituminous pavements are commonly used for construction of roads in our country. Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) is majorly adopted in the preparation of bituminous mixes. HMA releases harmful gases and pollutes the environment. Several techniques have been developed for reducing the mixing and compaction temperatures of HMA. One of the techniques is named as Warm Mix Asphalt (WMA) for reduction in mixing temperature. WMA mixes contribute for cost savings in operation of bitumen plants through reduction in energy costs. Pavement deformation is the major problem and is observed on high volume bituminous roads. Many researchers have given their contribution for improving the pavement life for the cause rutting failure. An attempt has been made for improving the rutting characteristics obtained with the addition of Polyester (PE) fibers, at regular intervals. Parameters such as bulk density, Voids in Mineral Aggregate (VMA), Void Filled with Bitumen (VFB), air voids, flow and stability were determined as per ASTM D 1559 and Optimum Binder Content (OBC) was determined as per Ministry of Road Transport and Highway (MoRTH) 5th revision 2013 guidelines. WMA prepared with bituminous concrete grade – I (MoRTH) was considered for the study and was modified with Polyester (PE) fibers. Performance characteristics of PE modified mix are carried with immersion type of wheel tracking device for evaluation of rut depth. It is observed from the results that, WMA provides lower rut depth with increase in PE fiber content at optimum content when compared with conventional WMA mix.


Sasobit, Marshall, Polyester Fibers, Rut Depth.

How to Cite this Article?

Sharanya, G., Teja, T. N., and Ramesh, A. (2015). Evaluation of Rutting Characteristics on Warm Mix Asphalt with Inclusion of Fibers. i-manager’s Journal on Material Science, 3(3), 13-21. https://doi.org/10.26634/jms.3.3.3671


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